Piercing PAGODA by Zales Diamonds

This campaign was created for and presented to the directors of Zales jewelry in partnership with The One Club.

Piercing Pagoda is a fine jewelry retailer. Because it operates out of mall kiosks, it's perceived as low quality. Pagoda's target, women ages 27 to 34, are givers. Their problem is they burn out, constantly serving others while neglecting their own needs. This campaign communicates that by remembering herself she is better able to serve others.
AD/CW: Laura Lee Jaeckle, Gina Senese | Planner: Dannelle Duong

Video Overview


I designed a new logo with clean lines and geometric shapes to bring a more sophisticated and refined look to the brand. I also removed the term “piercing” as to not limit the brand.






Ads feature a woman's everyday thoughts about the struggle of serving those most important to her.

Social Media  

Using the hashtag #MyPagodaMoment, we encourage our target to not forget herself. 


Birchbox Partnership

Partnering with Birchbox, a custom My Pagoda Moment box is delivered to Birchbox customers as an added value gift. A small pendant in the box comes with a message to take a moment to drop by Pagoda for a free gold chain to use with the pendant.